Wednesday, April 25, 2018


Linda lived in San Francisco in the '70s, but never smoked pot.
Yeah, sure.

We all know that there is a medicinal use for marijuana; to combat pain.  But I didn’t know that the organic ingredients with unpronounceable names found in pot may have cancer-fighting properties as well.  Did you?  Well, recent work by some graduate students  at the University College of Pharmacy in Kentucky indicates that extract of hemp (no marijuana in Kentucky, boy!) slows the growth of ovarian cancer cells.  Apparently it inhibits the health and vitality of the Interleukin family of organic molecules.  Interleukins enhance inflammation, and thereby facilitate cancer growth.  Or so it seems.  Progress, I guess.

By the way, this research utilized only the best Kentucky-grown hemp.  They want you to know that.

1 comment:

  1. I could say she looks a bit stoned in this picture taken long ago, but I can assure you she never would have smoked pot in my house! No way! I am amused by the color coordination of outfits to my curtains.

    Seriously, pot continues to show medicinal properties, but this is a new one. Interesting.
