Wednesday, March 28, 2012


                                                  You didn't know Linda was 6' tall, did you?

Well, of course, she wasn't.  This was taken at the famous Otovalo market in Ecuador, after our Galapagos trip.  The Indiginos in that part of the Andes tend to be very, very small - and they don't like their picture taken.  So, I took a picture of Linda just as a typical woman, carrying baby, happened to walk by. Insensitive of me, probably.  To make amends we spent lots of money.

Let me ask you once again to tell people about this blog.  Put it on Facebook.  Twit it (or is that tweet).  Write the URL on restroom walls.  I'm doing this (writing the blog) to spread the word about cancer research, as far and wide as possible.  Okay, yes, I also do it because it's fun.


  1. It is tweet but I've always thought it should be twit. Unfortunately I don't do either. But ill think of other ways to get the word out.

  2. Amanda looked like an Amazon when we were in Ecuador, even I felt tall!
    Last time I tried commenting I was listed as unknown. I don't know what I did wrong, but, just in case, this is Linda Kelly.

    1. The above was written by Linda Kelly, my middle daughter, who is 5 ft. 2in tall if stretching upward strenuously. Her daughter, however, is so much taller than me that she has to lean down painfully to give me a hug. Damn those Kelly genes, anyway!
