Saturday, March 19, 2022

OUR 40th


Today would have been our 40th wedding anniversary.  Of course, it still is, only Linda isn’t here to enjoy it with me.  It has been almost eleven years since ovarian cancer took her away.  I think about her every day, and I know many of you do too.  We all lost something special when Linda died.  She cast a soft and gentle light all about her; with her passing the world has been a much darker place.

Boy, had she lived, what trips we would have taken!  Maybe back to Egypt if it were mine to choose.  But I’ll bet we would spend some quality time in a few quilt museums, too.  And I could have taken her to Iceland!

 Damn cancer, anyway!

The Internet tells me that on a 40th anniversary I should give Linda a ruby.  Since she can’t wear one I will find a nice ruby pendant for sale, and then give its price to Fred Hutch in her honor.

I love you, kid.  Always will. 



  1. I'm thinking of you Myrl and Carolyn too as you both hold so many precious memories of Linda so close to your hearts. I often think of you and Linda too. Thanks for sharing this most wonderful picture. Nora

    1. Nora, I don't know if this reply will get to you, but I love your responses to Myrl's blog. I think of you often! It was a regret to Linda that she was not able to make another trip to SF and see you, but I'm SO GLAD I got to see you again! Love, Carolyn
