Tuesday, January 18, 2022


 Part of the reason sold the cabin near Winthrop

Downright incredible! 

Researchers  at U. Arizona have devised something they call a falloposcope – a device only 0.8 mm in diameter that can be inserted into a woman’s fallopian tubes to detect the beginnings of cancer,  As you know, many – maybe most – ovarian cancers arise in the fallopian tubes, so this little gadget could prove to be an important weapon against OVCA.  Testing still is underway, but preliminary signs are encouraging.

I continue to be amazed at the skill and dedication of the onco-research community.   God bless ‘em!


1 comment:

  1. This is great news. Pre Linda's cancer, when I knew little about ovarian cancer, I didn't even know what besides the uterus was being removed when I had my hysterectomy. It was all about fibroid removal, not possible ovarian cancer in the future. My quick research seems to say that it depends on what side of 50 a woman is whether tubes and ovaries also get removed. Thanks, Myrl, for keeping me informed.
