Thursday, July 25, 2019


Linda in Cuzco

You know what Fred Hutch is, right?  But do you know who the person Fred Hutchinson was?  Well, he was a baseball player; pitcher and manager for the Detroit Tigers until he died  of cancer in 1964.  His brother, a physician, started the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in his honor.  This is the centenary of Fred’s birth, so the Hutch has issued a special volume of their newsletter in his honor.  You can access it here:

Among several interesting articles is a description of using gold nanoparticles to deliver CRISPR gene-modification directly to the spot it’s needed.


  1. I have written over 700 of these blogs, and I only have about 500 digital pictures of Linda. So, from now on I am going to head each post with a shot in the order I originally used them, without any attempt to make them “relevant”. What the heck: you don’t care.
