Tuesday, July 23, 2019


Elsie, Linda, and Borrego flowers

Apparently ovarian and pancreatic cancers are similar in some respects:  they both are solid tumors that are difficult to detect early enough to enable successful treatment.  Thus it is potentially important that research performed in Texas may have found a new weapon to combat these tumors when they are full grown, so to speak. 
Most treatments tackle the tumor head-on.  This new approach works by killing off the tumor’s “support troops”.  In order to prosper, a solid tumor must have the proper “micro environment”.  Required in that micro environment are fibers for support, and vessels to supply nutrients.  Apparently the tumor secretes a protein that facilitates this: fibrosis and angiogenesis.  The Houston folks have created a monoclonal antibody that shuts this protein down.

Extensive testing is underway.  It might be ready for people sometime next year.


  1. More on this approach to OVCA treatment


  2. How wonderful that a treatment might be helpful for reducing tumors in two hard-to-treat cancers.
    Added bonus for me--a photo of Linda and Elsie I didn't have.
