Friday, May 25, 2018


Happy times

I have written many times about the regrettable lack of a screening process that will detect ovarian cancer (and other cancers, of course) at an early stage.  Catch them early, it is said, and you have a good shot at curing them.  Well, in the last few years excellent progress has been made in the field of early detection.  I wrote about one such important development just a few weeks ago:

Well, even a fresh flat of strawberries comes complete with a few worms.  It turns out that early detection, by the nature of things, will turn up evidence of the existence of tumors that will never develop into anything worth worrying about.  Yes, in the colorful language of this article, some tumors are just “born to be bad”.  The rest aren’t.  Now, it seems, smart people are working on a way to tell the two apart.  As you might already have guessed, genetics is involved.  Read all about it:

By the way, this comes from a blog by Dr. Francis Collins, the Director of NIH.  He must be an incredible busy man, so I doubt that he actually, personally, writes these little essays – but maybe he does.  Whatever: they are well worth reading.

More proof that Dr. Collins is a remarkable man: he was appointed by Obama, and renewed by Trump


  1. Here is something you all should read:

    1. Oh, Hell - I wrote about this article about a week ago. As they say: his brain works pretty well, for an old fart!
