Monday, May 22, 2017


Linda and Ella

Linda died six years ago today.  Here is an excerpt from her obituary.

Linda died May 22, of ovarian cancer.  She was 65.

Linda was the light of my life and the joy of my existence for over 30 years.  She was an unfailing source of support, love and good humor to her enormous circle of friends.  She was a skilled, compassionate and caring physical therapist who genuinely loved her patients.  Her reservoir of love was always overflowing; she loved more people in this world than most of us will ever even know.

A soft and gentle light has gone out.  The world will be a darker place.



  1. Her love lives on. She was so special, and her knowledge and excitement for people and crafts and performance was contagious!

  2. for all the family & friends missing Linda today, imagine her there holding your hand <3
