Wednesday, October 14, 2015


Mock Gothic ruin, Somewhere upon Thames
What was she doing back there?
Sorry for posting two days in a row, but I have just returned from an “event” and am filled with enthusiasm.  The event was Science over Lunch, sponsored by Fred Hutch, and the science was provided by Dr. Johnnie Orozco, who seems to be both a practicing oncologist (at the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance) and a member of one or more research teams (at the Hutch).  He is an energetic young man, obviously enthusiastic and capable; he and his team are doing cutting-edge investigations in the area of targeted therapy.  It warms my heart to be reminded, as I often am, that so much talent, energy (and money) are being applied to the fight against cancer.  I’d give you his email if I could find it, but I can’t.  That’s probably for the best; I don’t want him wasting time answering emails when he could be working on just the perfect nanoparticle to blast epithelial ovarian cancer to hell.  Anyway: thank you, Dr. Orozco, for an illuminating talk and for all your efforts on the front line.

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