Saturday, April 11, 2015


Bryce Canyon National Park
Early 1980s
It is pretty interesting how many “alerts” to OVCA articles turn out to be in business/financial/stockmarket publications.  I guess it is obvious why this should be; any pharma company that is likely to bring  a “breakthrough” drug to market is a hot commodity on the Street.  This annoys me somewhat, but irrationally.  Yes, Jesus kicked the money-changers out of the temple, but what if they were making change for people who wanted to donate?  Profit isn’t always bad, no matter what you think.
However, the article that inspired this rambling, which appeared in, has some interesting news.  It appears that Clovis Oncology (NASDAQ: CLVS) has a drug called rucaparib that is sufficiently promising that it has been awarded the designation of Breakthrough Therapy by the FDA.    (What that means doesn’t seem to have been explained, but I’ll bet it’s good).  Rucaparib is an oral PARP inhibitor (you remember those guys, right?).  It seems to be used with good effect on cancers caused by BRCA mutations.  And, of course, it merely prolongs life – it isn’t a cure.  But what the hell, it’s progress.
Read the article, but don’t buy the stock.

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