Wednesday, March 25, 2015


Linda and the Singing Memnon
Did you know that people use stinging nettles to treat ailments like excess water, joint pain, urinary tract infections, hay fever, insect bites, and miscellaneous aches and pains?  Well, they do – or at least they formerly did.  Modern science has determined the active ingredient here is formic acid, also found in ants.  (Next time your rheumatism flairs up, go lie on an ant hill.)
Well, it turns out that formic acid may be useful in cancer therapy, as well.  Researchers at the University of Warwick, in the UK, seem to have shown that formic acid in moderate doses greatly enhances the efficacy of the drug JS07.  JS07, it seems, somehow disrupts the energy-generating mechanism of cancer cells, causing them to die a hideous (I fondly hope) death.  JS07 is described as a “metal-based (ruthenium) cancer drug.”  Apparently this metal-based stuff is combined with something called E-237, which is sodium formate, derived from formic acid.   One can greatly increase the effectiveness of JS07 by repeatedly renewing the supply of sodium formate.  Or so it seems.  Frankly, this article was hard for me to understand.  Read it yourself, and explain it to me.
Anyway, it is said to be particularly effective against ovarian cancer.


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