Tuesday, September 24, 2013


In Heaven, Linda is squealing with delight!
Please meet Evelyn Kelly, all of 12 hours old.  All is well in Anchorage, I am told.  Linda would be in ecstasy about now, and already diagraming Evelyn’s baby quilt.  It is a rotten piece of luck that she isn’t here at this moment.  Maybe, wherever she is, she knows. 
Evelyn is 16 ½ % me.  Let’s hope she got the genes that control brains, not beauty or athletic ability.


  1. 100% Congratulations for your 16 1/2 % contribution to this ADORABLE bundle of joy! Happy days...

  2. 7 lbs, 3 oz. Cute. Never cries. Takes after her grandmother..

  3. There have been seven additions to my direct line since I was hatched. All of them have been girls. The odds against that are 1 in 128. “Bout time for a boy, wouldn’t you say?

  4. Congratulations great grandpa!! Your long-awaited boy will be next. :)

  5. OMG! (How's that for being modern, you Millennials?) It is one thing to lose good looks, mobility, even some memory as you age, but it is quit another things to lose the ability to do simple arithmetic. This wonderful little creature is 1/8 me, which equates to 12 1/2, not 16 1/2 per cent.. Thanks you for not jeering.

  6. uh oh, I didn't check the math!!!

  7. I need to correct several things about this blog. First, my great grand daughter’s name is Evelyn Beck Smith, not Evelyn Kelly. Second, she does cry – although rarely, and musically. She is at home in Cordova now. I should add that she already speaks in complete sentences and has been seen eying Paul’s collection of Shakespearean sonnets.

  8. These babies are just getting smarter and smarter. Lucky Evelyn Beck Smith has one proud Great Grandpa.
