Sunday, March 7, 2021


                                       WHAT A WONDERFUL PICTURE!

For as long as I can remember, and that is getting to be rather much, the phrase “it ain’t rocket science” has been used to imply that some matter or other was relatively simple.  Well, from now on I propose to use “it ain’t cell science” for the same purpose.  If you tackle this article   

you may agree. 

 (Remember that this blurb actually represents the original research boiled down into a form we ordinary folks hopefully can understand).  Hell, all rocket science requires is a little physics, a lot of mathematics, and a whopping big computer.  Cell science requires all that, plus a huge load of chemistry, a billion dollar electron microscope, and God-given faith that you can properly manipulate things you can’t see.   If rocket science were trigonometry, cell science would be something like partial differential equations!

So, don’t ask me what the article says cause I ain’t no rocket scientist.  Translate it yourself.

1 comment:

  1. sorry. I messed up my bad grammar. It ought to br "Tain't cell science".
