Tuesday, September 26, 2017


At home in Evanston, 1984

As we get older our DNA accumulates epigenetic changes, especially methylation.  (See blog http://ljb-quiltcutie.blogspot.com/2013/08/epigenetic-apocalypse-now-i-warned-you.html, for instance.)   New research demonstrates that “caloric restriction” minimizes these changes.  Thus, cutting lifetime caloric intake by 30% or so is associated with significantly slower ageing, at least in mice and some particularly ugly brand of monkey; the article implies a similar benefit to humans, but no evidence is provided.  The experiment indicates that diet restriction has no effect on telomere shortening, another contributor to senescence (see http://ljb ljb-quiltcutie.blogspot.com/2012/07/relaxing-on-beach-somewhere-1988.html). 

Well, heck, at 84 my DNA is certain to be crowded with methyl groups, and my telomeres mere nubbins.  Thus, caloric deprivation is unlikely to do me much good.  However, to be on the safe side I hereby vow to give up broccoli, cauliflower, raw celery, and humus.  That should so the trick.


  1. Oh dear, I was going to make a stew of broccoli, cauliflower, raw celery, and humus when you came to Asheville. Now you'll have to take me out to dinner.
