Wednesday, August 24, 2016


Linda in front of the temple of Nefertari, Ramses' II chief wife
Of her he wrote, She for whom the sun doth shine.
Right on!

Here is a cheat-sheet to assist you in your efforts to prepare for your mid-term exam in Health Science 401, Cause, Prevention & Cure of Ovarian Cancer.  If you have paid attention in the previous 450 or so lectures there is nothing here that should confuse you.  If something does confuse you ,you can “search” Myrl’sBlog.  And then, again, there is always Wikipedia.

But, seriously, this is a darned good summary of things as they stand.  You should read it.  (It’s somewhat long.)  I’m going to study it to see if it needs a bit of explication.


  1. Well, the exam is off. I sat down this morning to really STUDY the cheat-sheet I recommended in this blog – and I quickly became blogged down. (Now, isn’t that funny?) My intention was to construct a sort of glossary to help you study. Instead I gave up in frustration, wrote a new blog, then took a nap. It is as if Ms. Lartigue, PhD, the author, was told by her editor to “give me 2000 words on ovarian cancer, by 2:00 pm.” God knows, she tried.

    So read it on your own. As for me, I’m going to the Chuckanut Brewery for Happy Hour!

  2. Oh good, one thing off my to do list.
    Drink up. Happy Hour starts earlier in North Carolina!
