Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Linda and Kiley Henner
Hippy Era
Now, here’s one for serious people only.
If you are like me you always have assumed that cancer is the result of a mutation somewhere, in one or more genes.  These guys say that’s not precisely true.  They have been studying the effects of an “imbalance” of two proteins as a driver of certain types of cancer, including mucinous ovarian cancer.  The two proteins are “plc-gamma-1”, and “grab-2” (hereafter p and g).  These two proteins have a controlling influence on one of these things called “pathways”; in this instance a pathway called AKT.  AKT tells a cell to proliferate.  In the case of the “right” balance between p and g, AKT is kept within healthy bounds – cancer does not develop.  However, if p predominates, AKT goes wild. 
So, why does the balance get upset?  Apparently it isn’t owing to a mutation of the genes responsible for either p or g; they checked for that.  So, in the words of the King of Siam, “Tis a puzzlement”.  I have read the article a couple of times, and I can’t detect that the authors (from Leeds, England and MD Anderson in Texas) have resolved the puzzle.  I offer a suggestion:
Maybe the concentrations of p and g both fluctuate randomly, within certain limits and with (possibly) different time scales.  It might happen, then, that p (which promotes proliferation) hits a maximum just at the time that g (which discourages proliferation) arrives at a minimum.  Result: imbalance.  And if the imbalance is large enough and last long enough, AKT does its thing and causes cancer.  This is modeled on how rocks acquire a viscous remanent magnetization, for all you geoscience freaks out there. 
Whatever.  Anyway, it would seem that the p to g ratio could be used as a biomarker for cancer, and that injections of g should slow or halt some kinds of them.  No doubt I’m missing something.

1 comment:

  1. More on "non-genetic" cancer, equally difficult to follow. Try anyway, it's good for you.

