Monday, September 29, 2014


Mid 1980's
Kristen and Linda celebrate after just having jogged to the bottom of the Grand Canyon, and back
Within the last several years pancreatic cancer has taken two people highly important to me: A man I greatly admire but am glad I never worked for, Steve Jobs; A colleague of mine in the geology department, our “soft-rock” specialist, Dr. Chris Suczek.  Both were diagnosed after unmistakable symptoms arose, which equates to “too late”.  The life expectancy of a late-stage pancreatic cancer victim usually is measured in months, or at most a few years.  However, it is my understanding that pancreatic cancer can be eliminated, in many cases at least, if detected soon enough.  What is needed, obviously, is an inexpensive, simple, reliable blood test – to catch the damned thing while it’s still young and vulnerable.   None exist at present, but there is some hope on the horizon.  Here is all I know about it:
Apparently a special class of amino acids become elevated in many pancreatic cancer victims several (to 25!) years before the cancer becomes mature enough to cause symptoms.   As always, of course, much more work needs to be done, but…..  I will do a little more research on this topic, and if I stumble over important things that I can comprehend I will add them as a Comment.
Let us  all now join in a thunderous cheer:  Go, Seamus!  If you are one of my faithful “readers” from Poland and the Ukraine, you may not know what I’m alluding to.  If so, you should actually read my blog, don’t just let your computer scan them for key words!  Dammit!


  1. What? No Comments and no Likes after five days and 21 viewings? And it starts with a beautiful picture and a whopping big lie! Where did I go wrong?

  2. Hey Myrl. Some of us are slow on the uptake. It was a bad, bad cancer year last year in my world, too many casualties, Chris and my mom being two of them. I'm with you. Time to fight the big C tooth and nail.

    1. Thanks for commenting, Kris. Good to hear from you.
