Sunday, July 27, 2014

LINDA'S TEAM, 2014. The final report.

Patches knew a good lap when she saw one.
To start with the good news:  Linda’s Team skunked the Fred Hutch team.  We raised $1530 to their $1105.  Hooray for us, and thanks to all of you who donated.
The bad news?  I have 15 hotdogs and two dozen buns to freeze, plus enough beer and pop to last a year.  I guess I didn’t advertise the thing well enough, because only Karen and Florence showed up.  My cousin-in-law Pieter Berendson also was here; he cooked the hot dogs – all two of them.  Maybe next year I should go back to a full-fledged hard press to advertise the event.  I didn’t think I’d have the energy to do it this year, but in retrospect I was wrong.  Wait ‘til next year!


  1. Oh well, you raised a bunch of money, that was the important part. Good job!

  2. Where'd my comment go? I thought I left one. Anyway, great amount raised and I'll eat hot dogs when I visit.
