Sunday, March 17, 2019


Puppy Love

Well, at least we can cure ovarian cancer – in mice – most of the time.

As far back as 8/22/2012 I wrote a blog about cancer stem cells,
 and the topic has arisen multiple times since.  The down and dirty facts are that standard chemo can kill, say, 99% of OVCA cancer cells – but the remaining 1% have stem-cell-like properties and, surviving, regenerate the malignancy.  Now some smart people at U. Pittsburgh have devised a drug that causes these cancer stem cell bastards to themselves croak.  What this drug does is to prevent the cancer stem cells from expelling toxins they generate in dividing.  In effect, they die of acute constipation!  Serves ‘m right, by golly!

Of course, so far these results apply only to mice; no human trials are reported, yet.

P.S.  I try not to become discouraged, but sometimes it is hard.  When I started this blog, some seven years ago, many articles I read began with words like “22,000 women will be diagnosed with ovarian cancer this year, and 15,000 will die of it.  Less than 50% of women with OVCA will survive for five years.”    I still see that language, all the time.

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