Saturday, November 3, 2018


Linda in Yorkshire

I often feel sorry for those persons visiting me in Borrego Springs, CA, who are unable to enjoy my delicious Borrego grapefruit owing to having to take statins for high cholesterol.  Now, it turns out, cancer researchers seem to have shown that there is another, offsetting benefit from statins: reduction in the probability of contracting the most deadly form of ovarian cancer.  In a case control study it was shown that statin-users were about 32% less likely to come down with epithelial OVCA than comparable non-users.  I skimmed through the original article and came away with the impression that they (the authors) had leaned over backwards to do the statistics right – although, it is well to remember, I am no statistician. 

So, maybe the use of statins should be encouraged.  I don’t know if statins have occasional nasty side effects, but from their wide use I would guess not.  Thank goodness this doesn’t apply to me: I neither have high cholesterol nor am in danger of contracting ovarian cancer, so I can continue to enjoy my delicious, incredibly inexpensive Borrego grapefruit.

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