Saturday, April 28, 2012

BRIBERY. And nothing about OC.

                                             1984, in the dead of an Illinois winter.
 We were on Sabbatical at Northwestern University. Yes, I was missing most of a tooth.  She loved me anyway.

Did you know that I can “track” the number of pages read on my blog? That is, I can tell how many times each entry has been looked at, although I can’t tell who did the looking.  These statistics tell me one very important fact – you are looking at my blog mainly to see pictures of my beautiful wife.  Oh, sure, you might read the accompanying text, but it’s mainly Linda you want to see.  I forgive you.  I feel the same myself.
The reason I know this is that the entry LINDA ON HER WEDDING DAY has three times as many “hits” as the next highest entries.  Also, the ones with no pictures are at the bottom of the list.  I will swallow my humiliation and push on.
So, I am going to bribe you.  It seems that you want to see pictures of Linda on her wedding day.  I have three more.  (Incidentally, I’m in them, too.)  I plan to use them on anniversaries.  However, to drum up enthusiasm I promise to post the best picture of all just as soon as my total of Followers reaches a respectable number - say, a dozen.  To become a Follower you first must get a Google account, which is free but can be a nuisance.  Thereafter, Carolyn tells me, it is simple. 

My faithful editor and research assistant Dick Ingwall has pointed me toward an interesting article in the New Yorker which I will be writing about in a few days.  I am headed back to Bellingham next week.


  1. Myrl,

    Follow THIS blog, right?

    To make a link: right click the address, click "copy", go to where you want the link, right click, click "paste". sometimes needs a period. if it lights up a color, it's working.

