Thursday, December 23, 2021


                   Linda, her Mom, and a Jolly Old Elf

This will serve as my Christmas Letter.  I am living in The Willows, a posh “retirement facility” that features all the amenities, including hundreds of old ladies to have dinner with!  I am holding up okay in most regards, although inexorably time is having its way.  I miss family and friends a lot, and am pleased as punch for visits.  And, of course, I daily anathematize whatever or Whoever took Linda away from me so early and in such an unnecessarily cruel manner.  But, what the hell?  I still look forward to at least another year of blogging, chatting and snoozing in my recliner.  I hope you all have a good 2020.

So, to make this blog worthwhile, I am going to toss in some science.  As you all know, we all are merely mock-ups of the ideal creature coded in our genes.  Evolution is supposed to work by eliminating useless and/or inadaptive genetic mutations.  Now, humans and rodents are both mammals, but our “lines” split at least 50 million years ago, hence our genomes are markedly dissimilar.  However, we have a number of genes in common.  These are termed ultra conserved  genes, and the supposition is that they perform some functions that are absolutely essential.  “But what or which” always has been the question.  Now it appears that some smart people at Fred Hutch have provided an answer, using CRISPR gene editing technology.  There answer, summarized below, is interesting and understandable.  Read it yourself, with another cup of egg nog. 

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