Sunday, June 11, 2017


Linda with the Kalamazoo Kids

Here is a short, simple article on a new cancer treatment that is raising hope.  It involves using drugs FDA approved for cancer A on cancer B, based on the fact that the cancer-driving mutations in both are identical.  I would regarded this as an incontestable slam-dunk, but apparently it isn’t.  The clinical trial that established this protocal and the drug it features - Keruda - was funded privately.  Keruda will be supplied by Merck at an estimated cost of $156,000/year.  The article estimates that 60,000 people in the U.S. alone are potential patients.  That multiplies out to $6 2/3 billion per year.  Got Merck in your portfolio?

This tip came from my trusted research assistants, Joanne and Dick Ingwall, who are at this moment enjoying their garden on Cape Cod.  Thanks, guys.

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