Tuesday, August 6, 2013

MEA CULPA: but I have an excuse

In the Chilcotin, British Columbia
Cattle country.  Texas, with trees
Don’t give up on this blog!  I know, I know  ….. I haven’t written anything for several weeks, and you are tired of checking to find out if another little essay has appeared - mainly you are interested in the added attraction (the principal attraction?); a new picture.  I know that because my “hit counter” recorded only seven hits the past week, a new record low.   No, I am not lying in a gutter somewhere after celebrating the successful conclusion of Summerun North too enthusiastically.  Neither am I absorbed in my golf game, nor simply goofing off.  I am busy.  I am reading stuff (lots of stuff) at the behest of  Dr. Rivkin at the Marsha Rivkin Center, and writing a few things for my Fred Hutch group.  Also, I have had relatives, blood and in-law, as house guests for several weeks.  AND, I am writing my most blindingly boring and biologically challenged essay ever, on epigenetics.  Be warned, it is on its way!  But anyway, I want to reward your loyalty to this erstwhile barren site with another picture – and give you the good news.  Dr. Rivkin is full-time in pursuit of ovarian cancer.  I will help him in any way I can, or at least try to keep out of his way.  Ovarian cancer, your days are numbered!

1 comment:

  1. DoD ovarian cancer fact #4: A Pap smear will NOT detect ovarian cancer. (But you knew that already.)
