Tuesday, August 30, 2016


Linda and Carolyn

When Linda (who would have been 71 today) and I talked to her oncologist after surgery we were told that we should consider her condition a “chronic disease”.  I took that to mean that they could keep it at bay indefinitely.  I was wrong.  What he meant was that he could slow it down, but he couldn’t cure it.

Well, now an effort is being made to truly keep ovarian cancer at bay indefinitely, or at least for a very long time.  The article cited below describes how research workers at Oregon State University as well as the U.K. are testing a new therapeutic technique; they call it “metronomic dosage regimen”.

Take ovarian cancer, for instance.  OVCA chemo traditionally consists of giving the patient the “maximum tolerated dose” of one or more drugs for a brief time, at regular intervals.  The intent here seems to be to kill the damned thing outright; to affect a cure.  However, in advanced OVCA (stages III and IV) this rarely works, and moreover results in massive discomfort.  The metronomic dosage approach would be – in the example discussed – to give a much smaller dose (<33%) at widely spaced intervals – indefinitely.  They suggest using paclitaxel, which attacks cancer cells, and rapamycin, which combats angiogenesis (the ability of a growing tumors to recruit new blood vessels).  These drugs are delivered together by targeted nanoparticles.  The aim here is “to create an environment in which [cancer cells] do not grow easily”.  Complete cure is not ruled out under a metronomic dosage regimen, but it is not necessarily the goal.  Rather, the goal is to place OVCA into the same classification as, say, high blood pressure.  I’ve had high blood pressure for 40 years.

So, let’s fervently hope that this works.  It certainly sounds feasible to me.  My only concerns are that no clinical trial is mentioned, and that the paper was published in a journal I have never heard of.

Friday, August 26, 2016


Dinner on the Norsk vessel Vesterhalen
Those glasses of wine were >$10

What is an epidemic, you ask?  Well, most would agree that it is a sudden upsurge in some natural phenomenon – usually a disease.  Take the Black Death, for instance.  It arose suddenly, spread like lightning, and killed half of Eurasia.  Several times, in fact.  The Black Death is what we geologists might term the type locality of epidemics.  Zika might qualify as this sort of epidemic, but for the fact that it is spread by a fat, lazy little toad of a mosquito that is averse to travel.  To contract Zika you have to go to the mosquito, not vice versa.  So, don’t be stupid.

There is another type of epidemic which I will term a “media epidemic.”  Take earthquakes, for example.  The frequency and severity of earthquakes vary over the short term, of course, but the average over periods of years is reasonably constant.  As far as I know there are no long-term trends.  However, the media will leap on any significant seismic event – and then pay unwarranted attention to other such events, wherever they occur and regardless of how insignificant they may be.  The result is to give the false impression that the earth is about to shake itself into a bunch of little pieces!  Once, a long time ago, I was stuck in a mountain hut with three young men in the grip of such a media epidemic; they were sure that we were entering the End of Days.  Being young and foolish I tried to talk them out of it.  When my party left the next morning I believe they were praying for my soul.

Well, the Ingwalls have alerted me to another kind of epidemic – an epidemic of over-diagnosis.    It is only human to celebrate the appearance of a tool or technique that makes your life’s work simpler to accomplish – and to use the hell out of it.  Such it is with all these new imaging gadgets:  ultrasound, MRI, CT, etc.  These and other modalities may allow you to detect more “anomalies”, cancers, for instance, than previously, but they don’t say much at all about their “penetrance” (likelihood to cause trouble.)  This is illustrated by the recent history of thyroid cancer.  In many countries diagnosis of thyroid cancer suddenly has increased many-fold, leading to a proportional increase in the number of surgeries.  However, pathology shows that many (most?) of these surgeries were unnecessary – the “cancer” involved was never going anywhere.  What to do?  How about the old standby, watch and wait?

In passing, it should be easy to distinguish a diagnostic epidemic from a real one.  Just examine the death statistics.   


Wednesday, August 24, 2016


Linda in front of the temple of Nefertari, Ramses' II chief wife
Of her he wrote, She for whom the sun doth shine.
Right on!

Here is a cheat-sheet to assist you in your efforts to prepare for your mid-term exam in Health Science 401, Cause, Prevention & Cure of Ovarian Cancer.  If you have paid attention in the previous 450 or so lectures there is nothing here that should confuse you.  If something does confuse you ,you can “search” Myrl’sBlog.  And then, again, there is always Wikipedia.

But, seriously, this is a darned good summary of things as they stand.  You should read it.  (It’s somewhat long.)  I’m going to study it to see if it needs a bit of explication.

Thursday, August 18, 2016


Just before she died

Now here’s one that’s hard to swallow.  A clinical trial – properly conducted and published – seems to be telling us that secondary therapy for advanced ovarian cancer is futile.  To put this in context, compare Linda’s treatment five years ago.  When first diagnosed she was in stage 3c and her CA125 was over 600 (normal is less than 35).  Her initial treatment was surgical debulking – that is, they cut out as much tumor as they could find.  When she recovered from surgery she underwent eight weeks of intensive and thoroughly unpleasant chemotherapy.  Her chemo was administered intravenously.  Nowadays she might have received her chemo through a hole in her stomach – this is now known to be more effective.  Moreover, she might have had chemo before surgery; “neoadjuvant chemo” is preferable in some cases.

After chemo we settled down to wait.  Each month she had a blood draw for measurement of CA125.  For about a year she remained steadily at CA125=8.  Then one day it crept up to 12.  Then 20.  The damned thing was coming back.  Next she underwent a course of an alternative chemo, which slowed her cancer’s growth and gave her a few months of what you might call quasi-remission , and at the end she was on some other drugs, which didn’t help at all.  After diagnosis she lived about three years.

Well, the study described below seems to be telling us not to monitor the progression of the disease, because this has been shown  to be of no value in terms of ultimate mortality.  That is to say, you are no less likely to die if you combat the resurgent disease than if you simply ignore it.  The recommendation seems to be to simply forget about it and thus save yourself worry, discomfort, and expense.

Well, folks, screw that!!  Life is too precious simply to toss it at the wall to see if it sticks.  If I had ovarian cancer – which, thank God is impossible – I would fight the son of a bitch with every weapon I could lay my hands on, and if I died anyway I would know that I had done my best .  That’s what Linda did.

By the way, it hasn’t been easy to write this blog.  Lots of old scabs were scraped off, and I am crying as I finish.  The older I get, the more I realize how inadequate I really am.

I was married to one of the bravest women in the world.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016


In England, 2007

The current issue of The Economist contains a fascinating account of efforts to enhance longevity. 

This seems to be serious science, not wild speculation.  I have no doubt that, if it is possible, people who can create precisely addressed nanobombs to transport designer cyto-poisons to cancer cells can do it.  There is earnest talk of the human lifespan being increased to 120 years, and even of life-expectancies rising by more than one year per year!   But of course:  is this necessarily  a good thing?

Several obvious,very serious questions arise.  Can we stay mentally and physically “young” enough to enjoy those extra years?  Who wants 50 extra years of lower back pain?  And, of course, what about population density?  If almost no one dies and babies continue to be born, before long most of the earth will resemble inner-city Newark.  Or a Brazilian favela.  But maybe we don’t need to worry about that; experts report (incredulously) that young people are giving up sex – for video games. Darwin would be proud.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016


An old Michigan girl, feeling right at home

ASCO and SGO (respectively American Society of Clinical Oncology and Society of Gynecological Oncologists – e.g., the horse’s mouths) have jointly issued a set of guidelines for the treatment of stage 3c and 4 ovarian cancer.  This is vital stuff to know if, God forbid, you or someone important to you ends up in that unhappy category.  It (the article) is short, clear and understandable so read it yourself – and stash it away for future reference.

Friday, August 12, 2016

COMMENTS on where this stuff comes from

Sadly, both are gone

The sources I consult in writing these things vary greatly in their prospective audience.  At one extreme are the English tabloids (”Brighton Mum with ovarian cancer thanks God and the NHS for remission”).  I read these only when I am in an early-morning stupor.  At the other end of the spectrum are articles with Abstracts, sections of References Cited, often upwards of twenty authors, all identified as having M.D.s, Ph.Ds. –or both.  These manuscripts also often include a statement that none of the authors is associated with Big (or Little) Pharma in any pecuniary way.  These I also skip, although I will sometimes scan the Abstract and Conclusion sections to see if I can discern what is going on, and if it is likely to be important.  Then I wait for some smart cookie of a science writer to boil it down for me.

Well, here is one that’s just a bit above my present pay grade:

This is a through though brief summary of recent developments in immunotherapy – current as of about a year ago.  I will tackle it again in a few days and, maybe between Wikipedia and me it will materialize out of the fog.  My problem – and it is growing – can be called "Teflon brain".  If I have to look up “cytokine” one more time I will report to the booby-hatch.

So, you read it, too. You are bound to be impressed by how much work is going on.   If, after a second attempt,  I think I can write an explanatory paragraph that is worth publishing I will stick it in as a Comment.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Fred Hutch rearranges the nuts and bolts

A very young Linda feeds someone's very hungry baby

As many of you know, there is an Honor Memorial fund in Linda’s name at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, located in Seattle*.  It has been very active: So far there have been 98 donations, totaling $23,245.  Another $1,755 and she will move up a notch on their Wall of Honor, right next to people like Bill Gates.  Thanks for your generosity.  This is not a plea for more contributions; I will see to it that she gets there.
What I do want to tell you is that the Hutch people are totally reorganizing the Memorials part of their web site.  Over the past year or two their shield against hackers has corroded into rust, permitting a host of flaming assholes to post adds and such all over the place - including the “Guest Book” portion of Linda’s web page.  It became so bad that the Hutch people “took down” all the guest books.  Now they are building a new web section for Memorials from scratch, one that promises to keep the flaming assholes at bay.  I am assured that there will still be a short tribute to Linda (I will write it), and of course a way to accept donations.  I think they will continue to offer a guest book, but I’m not sure – I will stay on it.  But I doubt if they will include the older comments, so here they are.  Read them through; you will be reminded again of what a remarkable person she was.


Linda Joyce Beck’s Guestbook
Myrl Beck
by Anonymous on Dec 30, 2015 at 2:17:01 PM
Well, Linda, I got through another year without you not much fun at times, but I'm still here, plugging away. Working to rid the world of ovarian cancer keeps me going. I think I can manage 2016, with the same game plan. I sure do miss you. Myrl
by Anonymous on May 21, 2015 at 2:18:05 PM
Tomorrow you will have been gone for four years. I miss you constantly, and so do your many, many friends. It was a rotten piece of luck that took you so early. Ovarian cancer must be solved, and soon!
Myrl Beck
by Anonymous on Mar 18, 2015 at 7:08:29 PM
Tomorrow is our 33rd anniversary, Linda. I will be going to a class, giving a lecture, then going to a party, so I will be busy. But not nearly so busy as to let me forget how much I miss you. Thanks for those great years. There should have been more.
Carolyn Joyce
by Anonymous on Dec 31, 2014 at 10:01:52 PM
It is almost 2015 and that is another year without you, Linda. Since you are not here to counsel me, I reach backwards to the many wise things you told me. Mostly, I just hold your love in my heart. I miss you always.
by Anonymous on Aug 30, 2014 at 10:15:36 PM
On these special Linda days, she's right back to being the main thought. So I look at family pictures, pet the alpaca bear she gave me, read cards from her, and eat a bowl of caramel ice cream. The grief is shifting in shape, but it will never end. I miss her so much. What a wonderful sister I had.
Myrl Beck
by Anonymous on Aug 29, 2014 at 7:18:48 PM
Well, Linda, tomorrow is your 69th birthday. Boy, would you ever have received some funny cards! We all dearly wish you were still here with us, so we could enjoy the day together. I'm going to take Florence out for a margarita and a meal, I hope. I wish Carolyn could be here, too. We all love you.
Myrl Beck
by Myrl Beck on Mar 19, 2014 at 3:05:18 PM
Today is our 32nd anniversary, Linda. Wish you were here to enjoy it with me.
Myrl Beck
by Anonymous on Feb 14, 2014 at 12:37:23 PM
Happy Valentine's Day, Linda. I wish I could take you out to dinner. Love, always. Myrl
by Anonymous on Jan 2, 2014 at 7:04:02 PM
I'm still sad, still missing her, always remembering times together, always wanting to tell her something. December is especailly hard with both my birthday and Christmas. But when I still my mind and dig deep, I find the support and warmth that my big sister always gave me. That is when I know she is still with me.
Myrl Beck
by Anonymous on Dec 13, 2013 at 6:18:48 PM
Well, Linda, I'm gearing up for my third winter without you. It's not as much fun as formerly, but I know you would want me to enjoy it - so I am. I am going to Alaska to meet the great grandkids. We all wish you could be there with me;I doubt if we could get you to set those babies down! I had a great Thanksgiving with Carolyn, too, so I am keeping busy. Love you. Miss you. Myrl
Angelina Kelly
by Anonymous on Sep 3, 2013 at 7:49:58 PM
What beautiful words about Grandma Linda. I miss her caring love for her family and passion for life every day, and it is so wonderful to see her memory have such a positive impact.
Love you Grandma,
by Anonymous on Aug 30, 2013 at 7:18:20 PM
Dearest Sister, I wish you were here so we could laugh and celebrate together. I'm so lucky we are sisters. I have many wonderful memories to warm my heart, but I miss you always.
Myrl Beck
by Anonymous on Aug 30, 2013 at 12:10:26 PM
As has so often been the case over the last few years, Carolyn has shown me how to think. Today is Linda's 68th birthday, and I was prepared to spend the day feeling sorry for myself, missing her, and hating cancer for having taken her away from me. . But Carolyn writes that, on her part, she is sad that cancer took her sister and that she can't telephone her and wish her a happy birthday and have a nice, long chat - and then she adds that she will instead spend the day looking back on and enjoying all the happy moments, of which there were so many. I will try to do that, too but I do miss her, and her absence hurts. Linda, so many people loved you while you were alive. And we all still do.
Myrl Beck
by Anonymous on May 21, 2013 at 2:49:34 PM
Hi, Sweetie. Tomorrow you will have been gone for two years. I'm sure that nobody who knew you well has forgotten that. When you think of it, it is remarkable how much you meant to so very many people. Whatever it was in you that made that true, I wish more of us had it, too; if we did, the world would be a much nicer place. I promise to keep on working as best I can to make sure that future women don't have to go through what you went through. Tomorrow will be a sad day for me, and for so many others, too. I miss you every day. Myrl
by Anonymous on May 5, 2013 at 3:52:58 PM
My dear sweet Linda, it is amazing what Myrl is doing in your honor. As I write this, he is surrounded by family and friends as they celebrate his 80th birthday. We all wish you were with him, but you are in everyone's heart. And a big Happy Birthday to you, Myrl!
Myrl Beck
by Anonymous on May 2, 2013 at 4:18:19 PM
Hi, Linda: St. Joes has opened a new cancer center; I plan to volunteer there when I get too old to traipse down to Fred Hutch. I visited it today; it has just opened and is splendid. I subscribed to a memorial stone. It says "Linda & Myrl, . March 19, 1982" - and then at the bottom, "Always". It sits next to a beautiful maple tree. It is lovely. That makes the third stone to our marriage scattered around Bellingham; I will visit them all for as long as I can. The family is throwing me a big birthday party, for my 80th. We all wish you could be there, especially me. I love you. Myrl
Myrl Beck
by Anonymous on Dec 24, 2012 at 1:56:05 PM
Linda was the absolute heart and soul of Christmas. She loved buying gifts. She loved decorating the house. She loved her little Christmas trees, and all her little decoration. Above all, she loved having her family around her to celebrate what, to her, was the best season of the year. Having spent 30 Christmases with Linda I find Christmases since to be wan and washed-out affairs. I'm not complaining, mind you I had her for a long time, which makes me a lucky guy. But I wish she were still here
Carolyn Joyce
by Anonymous on Dec 21, 2012 at 8:31:15 PM
This site is a place of hope--hope that future women will not have to die from ovarian cancer. For all those that have lost loved ones, have hope that the future can still be bright as you hold your loved one in your heart. I miss you, Linda, at Christmas time and every other time.
Kristen Beck
by Anonymous on Dec 18, 2012 at 8:47:15 PM
Merry Christmas to dad, to Linda, and to all her friends and family. Christmas was always especially fun because of Linda, and it feels like something is definitely missing without her there. She loved Christmas, and she will be there with us in spirit.
Karen Beck
by Anonymous on Dec 18, 2012 at 8:37:56 AM
Merry Christmas Linda! You're getting all the presents this year. Wish you were here....
David & Bunny
by Anonymous on Aug 30, 2012 at 12:17:20 PM
When you think of all the lives Linda touched, not just family & friends, but professionally - now THAT's the way to make a difference in this world. Linda had a warm embrace for everyone. I miss those hugs. Well done, Linda!
Karen Beck
by Anonymous on Aug 30, 2012 at 8:36:47 AM
Happy Birthday Linda! Although I thought it was today. I miss talking to you about fun stuff like movies and celebrities. Also being inspired by your strength.
Myrl Beck
by Anonymous on Aug 29, 2012 at 7:05:06 PM
Linda, this is your 67th birthday. We all miss you very much. I hope you know that those of still here are working to do something about ovarian cancer. It promises to be a long, hard slog, but in the end we will succeed. I love you. Myrl
Richard Joyce
by Anonymous on Apr 9, 2012 at 11:33:11 AM
I just caught up on reading these comments and also Myrl's blog. It's sad, of course, to think about losing Linda, but good to be reminded of all the nice things about her and good to see that others appreciated, and remember, these nice things too. And it's good to see that Myrl is helping to combat the disease that took her from us. Raelyn and I send our best wishes to all the "Linda Community!"
Rebecca Joyce
by Anonymous on Mar 23, 2012 at 1:18:56 PM
Uncle Myrl,
I enjoyed the description of how you and Aunt Linda celebrated your anniversary - I had no idea you had those special traditions. I will keep that in mind so that Scott and I can work on some traditions of our own. I know I will probably never get Scott to watch our wedding video again (we did that on our first anniversary) but I think berries and whipped cream belong in our breakfast on July 1. Photos, too. Love and commitment really deserve celebration.
Thinking of you and Aunt Linda!
David & Bunny
by David Schneider on Mar 20, 2012 at 6:45:48 PM
Myrl, as you are paging through your beautiful wedding album, reminiscing about this special day, just remember that many of those anniversdary pictures were taken by David at our house.
The Becks' would knock on our door, dressed to the nines, grinning from ear to ear, camera in hand. They'd pose for a few pictures, grab the camera and go! Handly a chance to wish them Happy Anniversary before they were out the door, off to some romatic evening. It was fun for us to see these two lovebirds be
having like teenagers! Happy days.
I imagine Linda giving Myrl a special embrace today on their 30th wedding anniversay.
Nora May Fishbach
by Anonymous on Mar 19, 2012 at 10:43:25 PM
Dear Linda,
You are often in my thoughts - Myrl and Carolyn are too.
Linda Kelly
by Linda Kelly on Mar 19, 2012 at 10:34:51 PM
Happy Anniversary Dad and Linda. I wish you were together to celebrate. 30 years is a long time, but so is 29. I think of Linda often and even though I did not get to see her often, I liked thinking of her keeping Dad company and hearing about their many adventures and new hobbies (gourd painting!).
Karen Beck
by Anonymous on Mar 19, 2012 at 9:22:51 PM
Happy Anniversary Dad and Linda. You had a great time together. I wish it could have gone on another 30 years. You will be together again someday.
Ginny Davidson
by Anonymous on Mar 19, 2012 at 7:30:16 PM
Happy Anniversary Myrl and Linda, What a smart day to pick for your wedding, the day before spring starts, the beginning of a lovely season after the cold dark days of winter. I am thinking of the two of you and wishing Linda was here to help Myrl feel better. Always remember she IS here and she is smiling.
Love, Ginny Davidson
Myrl Beck
by Myrl Beck on Mar 19, 2012 at 2:23:00 PM
This is our 30th wedding anniversary. Normally we would get up a bit late, eat a special breakfast, featuring berries and whipping cream (prepared by me; I was destined to be a short-order cook but missed my calling.) Then we probably would have gone for a walk (if the weather were nice, as it is today) or to a movie (if it were as it has been most of this month.) Later we would have dressed up and gone out for a blow-out dinner, with photographs. Later that evening we would have given one another cards and gifts, snuggled on the couch while looking through our wedding book, then gone to bed. That is a typical anniversary.
Well, drat it, that is not what will happen today. I got up late, alright, and ate my greasy breakfast. Then I sat down to write this little essay. Later I will take some flowers out to Linda, and talk to her awhile. I plan to have a nice meal tonight, but I am not getting dressed up. I may watch a movie, and I certainly will leaf through our wedding book. I definitely will be in bed early.
This is shaping up to be a rotten day. Sometimes I miss Linda so much that it simply sucks all the energy out of me, and all I want to do is sit in a chair and look at my toes. I have ugly toes.
This being our 30th, the appropriate stone is the pearl. Linda didn't like pearls, but if I had bought her some she would have seemed delighted, tried them on, examined herself in the mirror, and smiled her lovely smile. The the pearls would have joined the things I brough her from Chile long ago, in a box mentally labled Well-intentioned Mistakes. So, it is a good thing I did not buy pearls. I will give the money to Fred Hutch, instead.
Many of you know that I am trying to fight back against cancer by volunteering at the Hutch. I am of vanishingly little use, I am afraid, but I am trying. I am beginning to write a blog about my experiences, and if would like to follow my adventures merely type WWW.LJB-QUILTCUTIE.BLOGSPOT.COM in your search engine.
Okay, enough of feeling sorry for myself. Linda was a wonderful wife, and she was MY wife for nearly 30 years. I am a lucky guy, and I should nevER complain. But I sure Wish she were still here.
Carolyn Joyce
by Anonymous on Jan 14, 2012 at 4:57:22 PM
Linda and I loved giving each other Christmas presents and I missed that and miss her. I kept seeing things that she would have liked. Maybe this little gift to Fred Hutchinson will help someone else's sister who is battling ovarian cancer. I hope so. Carolyn
Carolyn Joyce
by Anonymous on Jan 14, 2012 at 4:49:50 PM
My very dear friends, Linda and Norm Dennis, from Tucson were sweet enough to make a donation. They were the last of my friends to see Linda. The summer before she died, Myrl, Linda, and I drove to Seattle to see them off on their Alaskan cruise. Good memories, good friends. Carolyn
Ann Bjorseth
by Anonymous on Nov 27, 2011 at 12:35:09 PM
I heard the news this week (November 23, 2011) and I feel incredibly sad; such a loss.
I've been thinking about her, remembering things. Amazing what gets stored away about important people! I met her in, I think, 1976, at Whatcom Community College. I recognized her as a kindred spirit, and we had wonderful times together, going to movies and hanging out. Once, we figured out a way to see five movies in one day. Another time, we saw the first Rocky movie three times in a row, loving
the opening music and enjoying every moment. Another time, we saw all three performances of the Twyla Tharp dance company in Seattle. We had a contest every year to guess the winners at the Oscars; of course, she won every time. And, as Myrl said, she remembered--and she cared about--the movies in a way that was unique and always fun.
Linda was creative, funny, compassionate, smart, tenacious, and willing. Beautiful, truly. She made a special contribution to my life, as I can see that she did for so many people on this site.
Carolyn Joyce
by Anonymous on Sep 12, 2011 at 10:15:46 PM
Dear Linda,
I had a yard sale to sell your beautiful quilt fabric and we made $925 for the fight against ovarian cancer! Wow--the good from you just keeps spreading. Think of all the dozens of quilts your fabric will now be a part of. Myrl was in Eureka for the event and we both loved watching the excitement of quilters buying your gorgeous fabric. My friend Martha was a tremendous help with the sale as were others who donated things. I couldn't let all the fabric go, and fell in love with man
y of the pieces, so now I have my own stash of your fabric and one of these days I'll make a quilt in your honor. I miss you so much. Love, Carolyn
Amanda Wiese
by Anonymous on Sep 7, 2011 at 12:00:07 PM
I posted this on the LHH site on Linda's birthday after I could not seem to get it to work on my home computer. Kristen suggested I move it here.
If you come to my home today, the first thing you will notice is the under construction, hydro-seeded area deemed the lawn. Orange tape and all, it is simply unimpressive. Take a step up to the concrete pad and you will see a triangular flower box perched in the corner. It is mine and the only one like it on the block, and this is because my crafty husband built it for me. It is filled with petunias that have been drenched and yellowed, but some of their vibrancy still shines through. The view is brighter if you look up. Pansies and geraniums spill over the rail of the deck, as if they are looking down. Full of color, they watch quite approvingly.
You might see a cat there too, wearing the intent stare of all cats, whiskers arranged efficiently to maximize her sense of all that's around her. Green eyes dart to the nearest sound. Sometimes a cat is there, and sometimes one is also in my lap, purring as I write and batting the end of the pen.
If a person walks inside, they see a floral patterned rug and a lot of neutral walls around them. But because it is you, Linda, and not just anyone, you see in the curtained and shadowed room to your left the beautiful blue-and-green quilt that lays on the bed, one of the many my mother in law has stitched. Turn your eyes upward and see another brilliant quilt, this one jumping with turquoise and killer whales. It hangs up there over the banister and accompanies artwork of salmon and water, a sunset, a picture of where James and I were married. And light.
As you walk up the stairs, maybe one of our gray-and-white cats watches from the edge, then darts to the end to greet you at the landing. From here you can see that our home is nothing special except to us. A comfortable kitchen, a small living space, and a few plants. A couple more colorful quilted pieces on the wall and on the tables. Pictures of animals, photos. The door to the deck is open and the kitties go in and out. They can chew on pansies and chase bugs up there on the rail. Or they can sit and enjoy the air and the sun.
You see all you need to of our home within a couple steps from the top stair. So you know you can find the most beautiful things up high and watching from up on the walls. Wedding photos, wooden bowls, a glass ball, and bowls with blue patterns and fish are some items that adorn the tops of the cabinets. The tallest thing of them all is the most precious a bunch of dried roses, the first flowers James ever gave me, reach toward the highest corner.
And it only takes a glance out the window to be reminded that real beauty is in nature. A thing totally out of our control, constantly changing, often surprising and always, always incredible. Over the tops of the neighboring buildings so seemingly temporary with their tattered Christmas lights and paled trim sits a handful of the multitude of peaks in the Chugach Range. Look up still, to the summits, and you see that the first of winter has already visited. A promise of a cold, brutal season ahead, sure. Also maybe one of the most pure, perfect and eternal gifts the natural world has for us. Blanketing the land in bitter cold, and bringing renewal. Linda, I think if anyone could see this beauty, it is you. And when I'm looking for what's good and beautiful, I know I'll be looking up.
Happy Birthday. I miss you.
Love, Amanda
Ginny Davidson
by Myrl Beck on Sep 2, 2011 at 11:01:26 PM
Hi Myrl, Hi Carolyn, Kin and I are in Wasilla, Alaska this week, visiting one of my paternal cousins. Kari was widowed 5 years ago and is still grieving the lost of her best friend and beloved companion. My heart hurts for her, and I am reminded that you are only beginning on this long journey. On our cruise here, I saw another passenger who looked like Linda from the side. She seemed to be everywhere I went and I just accepted that it was Linda reminding me to enjoy life, as she did so very well. She was a special lady and I miss her presence in my life. I send you my love, gentle heartfelt hugs, and compassion on this anniversary of Linda's birth. Ginny
David Schneider
by Anonymous on Aug 31, 2011 at 1:56:16 AM
Dear Linda,
Today would be your 66th birthday and I wish you were still here to enjoy a party we would have for you. I think of you almost every day and miss having you here among us. Carolyn sent us a nice list of activities that we might participate in to help us remember you. I realized that I do many of these frequently, like cuddling and playing with my cats, just sitting reading a book etc. Several times we have stopped by to see how Myrl is doing. We hope he will still be interested in going with us down to Stanwood this next fall and winter to watch our grandsons Cannen and Skout play basketball. I don't know if you are able to receive messages from those who are left behind, but I hope in some way you can understand how well loved and missed you are by those who were close to you.
Your cousin David
Amanda Wiese
by Anonymous on Aug 31, 2011 at 12:13:58 AM
Happy Birthday Linda. I miss you. I wish you were here.
by David Schneider on Aug 30, 2011 at 8:33:08 PM
Linda's (& Myrl's) birthday parties were always 'standing-room-only'! Lots of fun, friends, food, and outrageous birthday cards. To honor Linda's birthday today, at Carolyn's suggestion, I cuddled cats (not a chore in this house). But I also made a big pot of tapioca pudding - one of Linda's favorites. I only wish she were here to share it with us.
Karen Beck
by Anonymous on Aug 30, 2011 at 12:08:43 PM
Hi Linda - Happy Birthday. You are so missed. love, Karen
Myrl Beck
by Myrl Beck on Aug 30, 2011 at 10:20:37 AM
Today is your 66th birthday, Linda. I will eat some caramel cake in your honor. If you were alive I would have gone to Fourth Corner Quilts and bought a gift certificate, so that you could select the fabric for your next stunningly beautiful quilt. But they tell me that fabric is free in heaven (and that you never have to rip out stitches there), so I'll give your present to Fred Hutch instead. Maybe they can do something about ovarian cancer. It would be wonderful if fewer men had to lose their wives in the terrible way that I lost you. I'm sure they're trying, but I wish they'd hurry. Love, forever. Myrl.
Lynda Berendsen
by Myrl Beck on Aug 15, 2011 at 7:41:04 PM
This is our 6th or 7th year to come to Bellingham from Kansas to take our boat out for a month's cruise. It is the first year Linda has not been here to greet us and go with us on a short trip. We had some exciting trips with Myrl and Linda. One was a terrifying trip across The Strait of Georgia with very heavy winds and quite high waves. I was terrified and holding on for dear life. There was Linda taking a video of Pieter driving trough the waves. We miss you Linda!
Chizuko Donovan
by Anonymous on Aug 9, 2011 at 8:37:38 PM
Linda was my second room mate in French Hall. She had gotten ear pierced and so did I. We would show off the newest earring. We both did our best to find most unique pieces. As Linda introduced Patti to Wyeth, Linda and I would have conversation about Andrew W. as if he was our good friend. Robert Kenney was running for President, he came to Kalamazoo. Linda found out about it and she and I walked to downtown. If Linda decided to room with somebody else, I would not have gone. Some how we kept in touch after WMU. I always looked forward to her X-mas note. One of many trips back to MI, she came to our house. We happened to have a ladder in our m. bd room, "Fast get away" we both had a good laugh. I will always remember her with fond memories.
Livy Kelly
by Anonymous on Aug 5, 2011 at 9:02:05 PM
My grandma was a truly wonderful woman. The world would be a much happier place if there were more people like her! I can't imagine that she was ever disliked by anyone that knew her.I was sad I wasn't able to come down for her celebration but I am thankful I was able to see her in March, though it was brief. My
memories of her are all happy ones and I know I'll always cherish them. I've been wearing the Ankh bracelet and one of her rings that my mom and sister brought back. I think of her every time I look at them and am reminded of her selflessness and kind attitude so that I will work to strengthen those qualities in my own life. She was incredibly strong, never complaining or feeling sorry for herself; it was inspiring to be around her. She is a
great role model!
I love you Grandma and I'll miss discussing the latest gossip while conquering tricky puzzles with you! You left only a positive mark on the hearts you've touched and we are all thankful for it.
Sue Broadhurst
by Anonymous on Jul 27, 2011 at 1:33:45 AM
I miss her terribly. She made two gorgeous quilts for my kids and they are in my room b/c I can't help stare at them... forever. Linda helped me when I was a new grad, and landed my first job at St. Joe's. We became friends over books, laughs, meals, walks and women's group. She is wonderful and will live in me as I strive to be as kind, gentle, persistent, strong, and artistic as she was! Myrl is right, the earth is a darker place now without her.
Elsie Rodney
by Myrl Beck on Jul 25, 2011 at 6:32:14 PM
What a lovely tribute to Linda. I learned things about my cousin that I never knew. I remember her tobacco picking summers and how good she was at empathsizing with her fellow workers (migrants). She was an incredible human being and I spent way too little time with her.
Love to all the family; Elsie
by Myrl Beck on Jul 24, 2011 at 12:29:58 PM
Well, Linda, we buried your ashes on Friday. It was a beautiful day. About 20 people were there, and most of them said a few words. After we all had finished speaking we took turns putting a little earth on your urn. I put in three shovels' full, one for each decade we had together. I also dropped in the rock we purchased at Harmony Hill. Afterwards they replaced the stone. You are directly under the right side of the stone, and eventually I'll be under the left side, just like we were in bed. I'd like to think that someday I will be able to role over and put my arm around you in the night. Who knows? Maybe I will. The stone is just right: good Cordilleran quartz monzonite, with a simple inscription. We are the first in that plot, and near a nice tree. Cedar Creek flows about 20 ft away. It is perfect.
Afterwards I took everyone out for pizza and beer. It was good: you would have enjoyed it. They insisted on trying to buy there own, so I ended up with some money. I'll give it to the Hutch. I love you. Myrl
by Anonymous on Jul 24, 2011 at 2:19:23 AM
So here we all are - the last 'good-bye'. Until the next 'Hello', somewhere, sometime unknown. I imagine Linda collecting her favorite colors from the Universe, loveingly wrapping them around new and old friends. Still creating love in her own way. They say we leave this life when our work is done. I don't know what Linda's 'work' was to accomplish, it doesn't matter. But I do know, good job, well done Linda! Bon Voyage! Happy Journey! Until we meet again...
Russ and Sally Burmester
by Anonymous on Jul 23, 2011 at 7:46:00 PM
What we remember most about Linda is the gracious and unobtrusive manner in which she hosted dinners and parties. No guest was left out of conversation or companionship, although how she managed this was not obvious. She was unfailingly cheerful and genuinely interested in others' wellbeing even while her own health was deteriorating. But we also remember fondly the time she and Myrl visited us in Northern Idaho and the hike we took to Copper Falls east of the Moyie River. I wish the pictures I took then had turned out better. They don't match the quality of our memory of her.
Marsha Strayer
by Anonymous on Jul 21, 2011 at 11:01:04 PM
Among my most treasured memories from working at Fourth Corner Quilts are the wonderful friends I met there. Through working with Florence on Saturdays, I was honored to get to know her dear friend, Linda. While we spent only short periods of time together, I grew to love and respect Linda and to admire her for her many talents, engaging and fun-loving personality, soulfulness and inspiring bravery. Like Myrl, I recently participated in my new hometown's Relay for Life here in Orange County, CA, which included a donation to cancer research and luminary in her memory. Just my own small way of reminding Linda, Myrl, Carolyn and all Linda's family and friends that she is loved and missed by people most of them scarcely knew. As family and friends gather this weekend in celebration of Linda's rich life, my thoughts are of Linda and each of you -- fond memories of this special lady are long-lasting and far-reaching.
Rebecca Joyce
by Anonymous on Jul 19, 2011 at 9:50:54 PM
Aunt Linda was a wonderful aunt to me - she made me feel loved and appreciated. When I had my children she really enjoyed her grandnephews. She made them colorful quilts with frogs, cows, and African animals and they are sleeping with their quilts at this moment. I last saw her when she was in Kalamazoo two autumns ago. She saw that the boys were jumping in a big pile of yellow maple leaves in the front yard and she jumped in the leaves with a huge smile on her face. She stayed in the leaves a while, savoring the moment. Then, she and Uncle Myrl went trick-or-treating with the boys around our neighborhood. It was a great day. I also picture her on Heron Island for our family reunion reading books to my boys in the cottage. I have so many good memories of Aunt Linda and I will miss her so much.
Liz Schermer
by Anonymous on Jul 14, 2011 at 1:30:44 PM
I knew Linda mainly through Myrl, and she always impressed me with her enthusiasm and kindness. She fought a long hard fight, but even then, she found ways to remain cheerful. I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope through research at the Hutch and other places, this terrible disease, which has taken so many wonderful women like Linda, can be cured.
Moonlight Quilt Guild
by Anonymous on Jul 10, 2011 at 7:31:37 PM
Linda joined Moonlight Quilt Guild in 1999. Over the years she served the guild in many ways, including as project chair and auditor. She was a member of this year's community service committee and participated in the January work party to sew fleece hats for the homeless and for chemotherapy patients. She was an active member of the small quilt group, The Crazy Eights. Each of us in this small group, cherish our memories of her friendship and our individual row quilts with Linda's contribution. Linda especially loved working with batiks, brights, and Asian fabrics. She enjoyed making what she called "toddler" quilts for her great nieces and great nephews and the children of her work colleagues. She wasn't keen on using patterns. She just didn't want to make a quilt that looked like someone else's. Her creativity earned her awards in the 2000 and 2006 guild challenges. And, Linda thoroughly enjoyed last October's retreat at Warm Beach, an item on her "bucket list". The comfort quilt we presented her in November 2009 enveloped Linda until the end.
Florence DiJulio
by Anonymous on Jul 10, 2011 at 3:10:47 PM
In working to add photographs and captions to Linda's "Quilting Legacy" album, I began to reflect on her personal legacy: her capacity for friendship. She accepted us for who we are. She was empathic and had a way of being with others that made us feel valued, cared for, and respected. She shared freely of herself. She was kind. She possessed a wisdom far beyond her years. I could count on her to tell me what I needed to hear. And, sometimes I actually sought out her opinion for that very reason! Linda had a refinement to her; she was always polite and well-spoken. How do I encapsulate over 20 years of friendship? Not easily. We shared a love of quilting, travel, our respective hospital careers, reading, an occasional movie, and more. These interests led to retreats, the 2002 quilt tour to Amish country in Pennsylvania, quilt shop hops, guild activities, margueritas at El Gitano after a particularly difficult day at work, and visits to Borrego Springs where she showed me the camel teeth she found in Anza Borrego Desert State Park (still in situ, of course). I cherish the memories of our times together. She is greatly missed. My heartfelt condolences to Myrl, Carolyn, the extended family and all her other friends.
Myrl Beck
by Myrl Beck on Jul 9, 2011 at 12:45:27 PM
Hi, Linda: Last night and this morning they held the annual Relay for Life. I got up early and walked a few laps. There were quite a few luminaria dedicated to you,from several different sources. A few were still burning. I had intended to make a donation to the American Cancer Society, but their booth was closed - so I'll give it to Fred Hutch instead.
God, how I miss you this morning!
Nora May Fishbach
by Nora Fishbach on Jul 7, 2011 at 4:20:08 PM
I'm thinking of you with love, and remembering a wonderful friendship.
Richard Joyce
by Anonymous on Jun 25, 2011 at 7:57:42 PM
What can I say? I had two wonderful sisters, and now I have only one. I can remember the excitement of Linda's birth, when I was seven, just two weeks after the end of the Second World War. Since then she has been a constant in my life, always a source of fun and inspiration and love, and now she's gone and I will miss her. Words fail me.
My love and sympathy to Myrl and Carolyn, and my thanks for all they did for Linda, and thanks as well to all the others who supported her during her struggles.
Raelyn Joyce
by Anonymous on Jun 25, 2011 at 7:56:04 PM
I feel deep gratitude for having had Linda as my sister-in-law. I'm reminded of her everywhere I look in my home, for as Kristin Beck pointed out, she loved gift-giving and finding just the right gift for someone. The earrings I wore two days ago, the gourd calendar I checked this morning, the soft woven set of baskets from small to large from Mexico, the handsome fabric bag I take on trips, and the elegant but slightly worn quilted runner on our dining table came from Linda (and Myrl). She made our three young grandsons small , brightly colored quilts that they cuddle with every night.
Richard, her brother, and I first visited her when she was living in San Mateo, California, and we visited her, later with our young children, in almost every place she lived in after that, following her to Bellingham, Washington, where she made her home with Myrl. She was always welcoming and hospitable, and treated us with what Myrl described as her characteristic "unfailing kindness." The last time I saw her was last December, after Richard and I spent a wonderful Christmas with her and Myrl. She was feeling relatively well and was enjoying food again then. The soft, warm, tight embrace she gave when we said goodbye I remember and cherish!
At her mother's memorial service in Kalamazoo, Linda, speaking about her mom, said that her mom taught her children the Golden Rule. Linda, as well as any person I know, lived the Golden Rule. Thank you, Myrl and Carolyn, for your devoted. loving care of Linda, especially when we couldn't be there to help.
Sam and Myrna Sims
by Samuel Sims on Jun 13, 2011 at 8:11:53 AM
Our deepest condolences to Myrl; we never had the privilege to meet Linda, but have heard about her from messages from Myrl.
David E. Schneider
by Anonymous on Jun 9, 2011 at 3:17:12 AM
I had the pleasure of watching my cousin Linda really bloom into a confident and highly respected Physical Therapist with a large circle of close friends. It is evident from other messages left in this guestbook that Linda was an inspiration for many other people, both within her profession and outside of her work. After Linda and Myrl purchased their house, I was surprised to learn that Linda had taken on the task of replacing much of the baseboard molding in her house. That is a job usually left to professional carpenters and I was impressed by what a good job she had done. Some years later I was inspired by Linda's example to undertake a similar job in my house. Linda's skill as a very talented quilter is well known by most of her friends and relatives, but I don't know how many of you were aware of her carpentry skills. I very much miss my cousin!
Carolyn Joyce
by Carolyn Joyce on Jun 7, 2011 at 6:29:35 PM
I wish everyone could have a sister like Linda. She was always there for me--sharing laughter, tears, and endless conversations. Our bond grew deeper and stronger each year and when she got sick, we made even more time for each other. I have a lifetime of memories stored in my heart, but my future is forever changed without her supportive love. Linda Hope, my sweet sister, I will miss and love you forever.
Sally B. Clough
by Anonymous on Jun 3, 2011 at 11:11:28 PM
I started my career at St Joes in 1989. Linda was lovely, fun, hardworking and compassionate. We often ended up working late and enjoying each others company while catching up on the days chores.
I stayed at the south campus when Linda moved to the main campus. I didn't get to see her as much but in 2008 I had a long awaited baby and before I knew it there she was at all the way out to Fendale at my door bearing good will and gifts. She was so happy for me and held my sweet baby close to
her breast. I'll never forget how sweet that was that she made time for us. She knew how important a life event that was for me and wanted to help me celebrate. I love her very much and Merl, we will think of you every day and send you all our strength. Love you both, Sally Clough, Woody and Roy Karrer.
Monique Sicard-Johnston
by Monique Sicard-Johnston on Jun 3, 2011 at 7:19:21 PM
I am a friend of Linda's sister, Carolyn, who unfortunately hadn't met Linda before, although I wanted to convey to her family and those dear to her how sorry I am for her passing. She sounded so courageous in her fight and so deserved to win her battle.

I loved the obituary you wrote, Mryl... I feel I know her a little bit more now. I believe you were all very blessed to have her in your lives. I hope she lives on within you.
Patti Wilson
by Anonymous on Jun 3, 2011 at 2:03:04 PM
In memory of an inspiring human being and beloved co-worker. With loving thoughts and memories, Patti
Linda Thomson
by Anonymous on Jun 1, 2011 at 12:01:32 PM
After reading her obituary, I am at a loss of words for anything to add. I think it described her perfectly. I had the joy of working with her for many years at SJH. The way that Myrl described her as a PT is exactly how she was. She was a very kind and compassionate PT who truly cared about her patients. I am so lucky to have had her in my life.
Steve and Terri Inge
by Anonymous on Jun 1, 2011 at 10:11:57 AM
We are very sorry for your loss. You told the story of her life wonderfully well.
Pat and Ron Beechem
by Anonymous on May 31, 2011 at 2:35:27 PM
Memories of Linda will always live in my heart. She was especially vibrant and fun friend since college days. We've had great times when visiting. Ron and I will miss her.
Cindy Schardt
by Anonymous on May 30, 2011 at 6:25:05 PM
"A life is like a flower...
it blooms, then fades away,
But it leaves a lasting beauty
in our hearts from day to day"
Emily Singer Weston
Linda was an inspiration to us all we will not forget our journey with her in our Mon. cancer group. My heartfelt sympathy to her family.
John and Joan McManus
by John Mcmanus on May 30, 2011 at 10:15:50 AM
We will always remember the fun times we had together. Linda had a great sense of humor. She was such a caring person. The love she had for her friends and family, especially Myrl, is her legacy. Love and Peace,

John And Joan McManus
Shirley Pendilla
by Anonymous on May 29, 2011 at 5:00:44 PM
I worked w/ Linda at StJoseph Hospital and I remember a very caring, compassionate person. She was very friendly and always willing to help when needed. She always had a smile on her face that makes your day.
I also took good care of her when she was sick.
I will truly miss a real friend and a co-worker.My greatest sympathy and prayers to Myrl and the whole family.
Margo Malone
by Anonymous on May 29, 2011 at 10:42:05 AM
Linda and I were friends for almost 25 years. She was a physical therapy student at the hospital where I had started working as a new P.T. We were both so excited when we found out she had gotten a job there, too. While I moved on to other jobs, she & I stayed friends. She was the kind of friend you want to have forever: honest, fun and kind. That her presence is no longer here is such a sadness for me and I know for everyone else who was close to her. I will always be grateful for her friendship
Maury Schwartz
by Anonymous on May 28, 2011 at 6:30:11 PM
Some years ago I met Linda coming off her shift at St. Jo as I was going in to see my wife Norma. We chatted for a few moments, and as we parted I felt better. That is the way Linda was.
Vickie Holland
by Anonymous on May 27, 2011 at 11:28:21 PM
Linda fought a gallant battle. Was still able to find the power within her to enjoy her short time left. She has been an inspiration to me.
Linda Kelly
by Linda Kelly on May 27, 2011 at 11:17:31 PM
Dear Linda,
Thank you for being such a wonderful partner for my dad, a great friend and step-mom to me and a loving grandma to my daughters. I only wish we had lived closer and had more time together. We will cherish the memories of the time we did have.
Love, Linda K
Jeanette Kelly
by Anonymous on May 27, 2011 at 8:09:47 PM
I only recently met Linda when we attended James and Amanda's wedding in Alaska. I was struck by her courage and tenacity in making such a trip at that time, but I am very happy she did. It was a pleasure to get acquainted with her. My sympathy goes out to Myrl, Kristen, Karen and Linda.
Jo-Ann Alquist Langseth
by Anonymous on May 27, 2011 at 1:07:28 AM
I was just reading some of my high-school diaries last night, and my good friend, whom I jokingly called "Lovely Leandah," was featured prominently --- her scintillating and wonderfully wry wit, her moody walks in the rain, our collecting for UNICEF at Halloween together, her phone availability to help me with my geometry and algebra (only a call away -- 72758) - - and much more. Such a delight -- always!
After high school and college she stayed out west, and I east, but a very
fundamental affinity inspired us to keep in touch at Christmas and on our birthdays, always with the thought of a gala reunion, foolishly put off for al di la, and now till our next lifetime.
Her presence in the world brightened my life and others' very much, and that is my definition of a successful life.
Dawn Cannizzaro
by Anonymous on May 26, 2011 at 5:00:06 PM
Linda was a good friend as well as a great physical therapist. We worked together for many years with me being a nurse on the floors. She was someone I could always talk to and she would do anything to come along side and help. Linda gave and gave. My prayers are going out to her family and many friends.
Margo and Phil Montague
by Anonymous on May 26, 2011 at 2:49:55 PM
Now, more than ever, we'll treasure the magnificent quilt that Linda so generously gave us. And we'll remember her wonderfully kind heart, her remarkable courage and good spirits in confronting her terrible illness.
Jay Teachman
by Anonymous on May 26, 2011 at 2:07:59 PM
I spent many fine hours with Linda and Myrl during Friday after work happy hours. She will be sorely missed.
Kimber Langton
by Anonymous on May 26, 2011 at 1:24:14 AM
The last time I saw Linda was at the oncology clinic. As usual, she was so kind and funny, such a great soul.
Kristen Beck
by Anonymous on May 25, 2011 at 11:35:42 PM
I agree that Linda was lots of fun. I will fondly remember her child-like enthusiasm for all gift-giving occasions. I can't open presents without thinking of Linda excitedly exclaiming, "Presents! Preeeeesents!" While the rest of us were getting old and tired of gift-giving, she still had great enthusiasm for it and had a talent for getting people the right gift. We will miss you Linda, but are glad that the last few months of struggle and suffering are over. I envision you at peace, flying over the southern California desert in the sunshine, on your magic quilt.
Karen Beck
by Anonymous on May 25, 2011 at 7:13:13 PM
Linda was my stepmother but also a great friend. One of the funnest people I know. I'll miss her very much.
